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Life Balance Wheel Quiz

A life balance wheel is a tool to determine if you are giving all of the important areas of your life enough attention, focus, and time for your success. In this quiz, you can determine if various areas of your life are in balance, those that might need improvement, and those that need changes. 

During this quiz, you’ll answer questions honestly about different aspects of your life with your responses rating from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 ( Strongly Agree). Based on this, you’ll have a good idea of your satisfaction and balance in various areas of your life. This will also help you know if a life balance coach might be beneficial for you.

Contact Our Life Coach for More Balance

If this life balance wheel quiz has given you insight into the fact that you may need more life balance in one or many areas, a life balance coach might be an ideal choice for you. A coach can help you set goals in different areas of your life and offer you insights and tools in order to achieve those goals. 

We offer different services to fit your lifestyle and will determine which areas you’d like to work on and how to accomplish your goals. To start a consultation with our life coach, please fill out this form or call him at (860) 680-5731.

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